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Tips to avoid seasickness on the boat
Enjoying sailing aboard a sailboat is one of the most interesting pleasures you can enjoy in this life. On board a sailboat you can sail
Sailing in harsh seas
!! We are on September 11, 2023. Of our lord and maker of all things. The first thing is to send our condolences to the
Ross Sea: a spectacular Antarctic landscape
One of the most beautiful natural treasures you can find on planet earth is the Ross Sea. The Ross Sea is not just any sea,
Crossing the Pacific heading south
Alegría Marineros Thursday, September 7, 2023 of our Lord and Maker of All ThingsHow good to write to you and thus know the date; If
King George Island
Exploring the majestic King George Island: A treasure in Antarctica There are places in the world that are worth visiting, at least once in a
Sailing in the Pacific: Experiences from the Ocean
Third Day of Navigation “Alegria Marineros. Greetings from the Pacific. We are already facing our third day of sailing. We sailed towards Cook Bay, about
Crossing on the High Seas: Experiences and Challenges
A shaky start “Alegría Marineros… My dream, your dream… heh, heh. This journey from Fakarava to the Gambier Islands is being tough, good training for
Life Aboard a Sailboat
Life on board: The experience of living on a sailboat Some of the best expeditions in the world take place on a sailboat. Usually, these
South Georgia
South Georgia is one of the most remote and wild places on the planet. This group of subantarctic islands is composed of the island of
Sailing the Pacific
Alegría Marineros!! Greetings from the Pacific, one of the most isolated places on the planet. We are 10 days sailing to any point on land.