We are crossing the Pacific under sail without a pilot!
Joy Sailors!!
I’m Pedro Jimenez, I’m taking you to sail the world and today I’m angry…
The mother who gave birth to Simrad’s family broke the hydraulic pump on the autopilot and that’s new. It was already giving problems in Mexico, we complained to them and they did not have… We did a repair but it seems that it is a manufacturing defect and the oil comes out through the charcoals … Let’s see how the technical service or guarantee of this company works globally since we are crossing the Pacific and I hope they serve us in Polynesia.
Tomorrow we will start with the calls to see what solution they give us, for now if you know of someone traveling to Polynesia, tell me that the same could bring us the bomb (it is small) will not weigh more than 1.5 kg
At the moment we are steering in shifts of 1 hour, we continue crossing the Pacific under sail and there are still 220 miles to Nuku-Hiva
If someone wants to come, they bring me the bomb and I pay for part of the plane trip… heh, heh
I’ll tell you later to see how this matter goes…
Now to enjoy sailing across the Pacific under sail and by hand under the moon … The stars and some cloud (few). I have to say that this is my element, only here is when I feel more myself. The weather, the distance to any place, the coexistence, the wind, the wheel and the sea, what else do I need?
It would not hurt an autopilot that worked hehehe
Well, they are minor problems that we will fix soon. We must also appreciate that this gives us a plus of adventure, of feat … “Pedro and his brave crew crossing the Pacific under sail and the old-fashioned way, at the controls of the rudder” hehehe
Today it was time in the dream to continue giving him cane!!!